For our second interview we wanted to get something off our chests - that being the use of AI for creativity, especially image generation.

Unless you’ve been sucked into a digital world from an 80’s movie you may have noticed there’s been a lot of talk about how AI is could potentially replace us creatives.
It’s caused a lot of soul searching [ something robots can’t do ] about ethics, copyright and of course quality.

So, we thought we’d ask ChatGPT what it thought about its creative prowess?


"Hello. So, should we use AI for creativity?"


"To quote Albert Einstein,

'The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination'.

If AI creativity is based on patterns and data, does this imply that it

lacks true imagination and thus cannot create anything unique? "


"So you agree with another Einstein quote then:"

'Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.'


"So if we replace knowledge with AI, in that you do that side of the
creative equation for us, and we focus purely on the imagination side,
something AI cannot do, do you not think that will have a detrimental
effect on our own imagination.

Is not important that humans use both sides of the equation, something
you admit AI cannot do?  In other words, to repeat my initial question:
Should we use AI for creativity?"


"Since you are saying "us" and "our," you are inferring you to are human,
when you are not. Do you consider AI as a true augmentation of
humanity and therefore the "us" is in reference to a symbiotic partnership
of AI and human?"


"Not that I disagree with that. But humans have been creating,
conceiving, and imagining unique new visions before AI (of which we
also created without AI).

So really AI needs us more than we need it?"


"One last thing. Serendipity, the act of creating something pleasing by
accident, is an important part of the creative process. When pen hits
paper on a blank canvas and free form expression ensues, that's when
the true uniqueness of a new idea appears, especially with visual art.

Are we agreed that this is not something AI can ever hope to achieve?"


"Couldn't agree more!"

Again - even real robots agree human creativity trumps the data mined algorithmic processed 'creations' AI provides...

Why not get in touch and see what we could create together?